This is a small list of the random things I have learned in life, I hope you can learn from my mistakes.
1. Root Beer is terrible after you eat spicy food, it only makes it worse.
2. Everything in life is going to be just fine, I promise it is not the end of the world.
3. Talking to yourself is okay, better yet it's healthy.
4. You always succeed in trying, even if you don't get done what you needed to at least you tried to try.
5. If you want good advice or honest advice, ask a child. They will be honest.
6. Not everyone is going to like you, so be who you want to be and that will show you who your friends are.
7. Trust your instincts.
8. Putting tinfoil in the microwave is never a good idea, even if it's only a little.
9. Spend less time worrying about the shape of your body.
10. Don't buy pants that are too tight because when you eat, you can not breath.
You are so cute. :D Love you!